miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2019

Film project: SCRIPT

Good afternoon my dear readers:
I am working in a different project for creating a short film for about 2/3 minutes. I have to create a script, with an intro, a characteristic genre and a good plot (hook, problem, raising action, climax, falling action, and resolution) that make ascene in the receptor.

My intention is to create a concious film about the dangers of smoking. It is about a women that is going to discover the worst part of insignificant cigarette....lets read more about his problem here👇...

I can not reveal more about the film...🙊

Marta Saura Manzanera 2ºC
Episode 1: It is a smoker old woman (Carol), in her early fifties, she has got two childs, and he works in an office as a informatic. In her breaks she goes out with her workmates to smoke. They all smoke but they do not care about the dangers of somking. They know a lot of people affected by his addiction but they can cut it down whenever they want…or this is what they think…
Out of the office. There are Sam, Joey and Carol. They have just stopped working, it’s 11:00 a.m.
Carol: I do not know what am I going to do, this is so much stress for me. This job is going to kill myself.
Joey (getting the cigarette out of his mouth): You Will be fine, you only have to adapt yourself. It is so easy, we don not work in a so important building. No one of us is going to die.
Sam (lighting his cigarette): Joey is right, Carol. Please, do not worry about this stuff. Do you want one? (pointing at his cigarette box)
Carol: Oh! Yes, thank you…
Inside the office
Joey: Come on Carol! We are going to be late to this meeting!! Hurry up, it is important (going up stairs)
Some workmates overtake Carol in he stairs. The door has just closed.
Carol is out of the meeting. She is breathing quickly, she is not fit, but her lungs are not helping.
In a friend’s pub. Carol gets out a cigarette and starts smoking. All her friends seem to be surprised.
Waiter: Sorry lady, I have to ask you for going to smoke out of here. This is a non-smoking area.
Carol’s friends decide to go out with her but early they regret their decisión. Carol is not talking and nobody wants to stay near of her because of the smoke. It is so annoying for the rest of them. Carol have realized it.
Carol: excuse myself guys. I am going back home, this is enough for today. See you there!
Carol goes to her house alone and angry with herself. She does not have to smoke, and she wants to stay near her Friends. But thinking twice… she is going to light another one.

At the hospital. Carol is in a lonely room. She is waiting some results. The doctor has arrived.
Doctor: Carol you are so young and full of energy, I am sure that you are going over these, there are a lot of ways to help you in this process. But I want you to know that your lungs are not going to recover as they were before all these.
Carol (starts crying): I know, and all of these was my fault. I am the only responsable of this. I should not aceppted it. It was almost a first cigarette.

We see a flashback and all the last events are going back. We return to the horrible day at he office.

Sam: Please, dont worry about this stuff. Do you want one? (pointing at his cigarette box)
Carol: Oh! I dont think so, I am fine guys, thank you….

The end.

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