domingo, 19 de abril de 2020


Hi everybody!!!
I hope you are all okay in this hard and difficult times for the whole world. Now it is our moment to stay at home, and follow all the sanitary instruction.
So during this quarentine it is time to create and innovate with all the creativity available. Maybe it is the time to rose to prominence... who knows?

From my place, my classmates and I are creating silent movie, working with audio, silences, music, and the importance of visual.
Here is the whole film and the story board. Hope you enjoy it! Best wishes and take care!

"Creativity is a wild mind in a disciplined eye" Dorothy Parker

The film is edited with the mobile phone due to computer problems and different updates. Thanks to a classmate I could finally insert the fade out to black, the title, and credits. In order to be understood by everybody, I will translate some concepts.

TYPES OF SHOT: XLS (extreme long shot), LS (long shot), MLS (medium long shot), MS (mid shot), MCU (medium close up), CU (close up), XCU (extreme close up), POV (point of view).
CAMERA MOVEMENT:none (fijo), pan (panómarica), mild travelling 
CAMERA ANGLE: normal, high-angle (picado), low-angle (contrapicado), cenital.

We will be back...

We finally finshed this amazing year. We have discovered things about ourselfs and our friends, we have struggled against stress, anxiety ...