lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020

We will be back...

We finally finshed this amazing year.

We have discovered things about ourselfs and our friends, we have struggled against stress, anxiety and dead lines, and we finally close this adventure.
I dont know if we won but I am sure I was worth it.

Thanks to all of you for your effort, trust yourself and you will get it.
I wish you the best, good luck!馃挌

viernes, 22 de mayo de 2020

My Soundtrack

Good morning my readers!!
We are finishing this term so this is the last project of the subjetc. As it has to be the climax of Image and Sound we are going to work with...SOUNDTRACKS.

First of all my favourite film soundtrack is the music from the film “Inception”. Particularly, I love the track “Dream is collapsing”. The composer of this film is the famous composer Hans Zimmer.

I choose it because is one of my favourite films of all time and the moments when this music sound in the film are the ones more intense and with more expectation, so it makes you, as an viewer, part of the story.

This track uses a lot of quick sounds and high instruments such as violins. The intention of the track is to transmit tension and the end of something. In the film, this music sound every time the dream where the main characters are is about to end so they have to come back to the reality. It´s very recognizable and memorable because is a very dramatic music so u can feel how the dream is starting to be destroyed, or collapsed, as the title of the track says.

Searching fo examples for temp music ( where you are editing a film, and you take music from another movie and use it temporarily in your cut) I found this video with celar examples of it:

And asking to my familiy I have discovered amazing films and their soundtracks as or

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2020

Task I

Good morning everybody! I hope you are continue enjoying the last work. I am ready to see your amazing projects!!!

This week we have a new goal...make a short exercise about one soundtrack element. (Word, Music, Noise and Silence)

"Soundtrack refers to the collection of songs and musical arrangements played during a movie or television show. A soundtrack can include original songs with lyrics written specifically for the programme, as well as popular songs or instrumental music without words or singing. But the music is not the only element of the sountrack as we are going to see."

So, I have picked to work about WORD, and this is the result....馃憘馃憘
Hope you enjoy it 馃檴馃檳馃檲
See you as soon as possible 馃憖馃挅

Poem: Las Ma帽anicas  (1615-1622) Lope de Vega

domingo, 19 de abril de 2020


Hi everybody!!!
I hope you are all okay in this hard and difficult times for the whole world. Now it is our moment to stay at home, and follow all the sanitary instruction.
So during this quarentine it is time to create and innovate with all the creativity available. Maybe it is the time to rose to prominence... who knows?

From my place, my classmates and I are creating silent movie, working with audio, silences, music, and the importance of visual.
Here is the whole film and the story board. Hope you enjoy it! Best wishes and take care!

"Creativity is a wild mind in a disciplined eye" Dorothy Parker

The film is edited with the mobile phone due to computer problems and different updates. Thanks to a classmate I could finally insert the fade out to black, the title, and credits. In order to be understood by everybody, I will translate some concepts.

TYPES OF SHOT: XLS (extreme long shot), LS (long shot), MLS (medium long shot), MS (mid shot), MCU (medium close up), CU (close up), XCU (extreme close up), POV (point of view).
CAMERA MOVEMENT:none (fijo), pan (pan贸marica), mild travelling 
CAMERA ANGLE: normal, high-angle (picado), low-angle (contrapicado), cenital.

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2020

Stop motion

Hello everybody!! 
This week we have worked with a famous technique that can be used in films credits. It is called stop motion or  frame-by-frame animation, it consisits of appearing the movement of satatic objects by taking series of successive determined images.
In my case I have used 296 pictures and a tripod based on huge books and half of a box.
I hope enjoy it so much and see you soon!!!!

I have used all the names in my class to make the video more interesting, they are not working in the film yet. 

domingo, 1 de marzo de 2020

Cuts and Trasnsitions

Hi everybody, you are welcomed again to my blog. This time you will learn wat is a transiktion and how yo can do it. Let's start!

film transition is a technique used in the post-production process of film editing and video editing by which scenes or shots are combined, we have practised the...

Invisible cut: Like the match cut, the invisible cut attempts to join two shots with similar frames together. The invisible cut, however, is designed to completely hide the transition from the audience. The audience can deduce a cut has occurred, but they would have a hard time pinpointing the exact moment.

By Mar Alem谩n and Marta Saura

s谩bado, 22 de febrero de 2020

We will be back...

We finally finshed this amazing year. We have discovered things about ourselfs and our friends, we have struggled against stress, anxiety ...